July 21, 2016, Thursday — Pyramid Lake

We first went to Pyramid Lake where Anika got a great picture of a huge bull elk when no one else in the whole group could get any more than an antler or a rump.
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Anika at Pyramid Lake

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tenacious tree roots

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Arthur and Anika

July 21, 2016, Thursday — Patricia Lake

After that we went to Patricia Lake (where Natan had long ago helped push Martha up the path) and Anika got some pictures of a mother duck and ducklings.
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Anika, Arthur, and Martha

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Martha and Anika

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Arthur and Anika

Ducks at Patricia Lake

July 21, 2016, Thursday — Maligne Canyon

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We went to the gorgeous (and I mean gorge-eous) Maligne Canyon. We all took lots of photos, but none can really do it justice. It is an incredibly deep chasm, carved by the river.

July 21, 2016, Thursday — Whistler Mountain Gondola near Banff

Anika's Notes

Got on to a tour bus that took us through Jasper and that was really nice. I also met Marilyn who is now my friend (she's grandma’s age, maybe younger) . We took a Sky Tram up a mountain and took some pictures. There was a walking path up to the tippity top but we didn't go. It took awhile to head back so we skipped dinner had dessert and headed to bed. 

With some daylight hours left, we rode the gondola up Whistler Mountain in Banff and took in the great views of the town from above.
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the other car going down

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the Bow River meanders through town

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Jasper as seen from Mount Whistler

the mountain outside our hotel at sunset was lit with an unearthly light
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That evening Anika again had a swim in the hotel pool.