Anika's Notes
Early start to a tour around the big mountains of Alberta. Saw the Athabasca Falls with a cool rainbow over it! We saw the Athabasca Glacier and got to walk on it and it wasn't Actually slippery at all!. We went to see lake Peyto and it was a glacier lake! SUPER BLUE! Finally we saw Bow Lake the was cool and fun to jump around on the rocks too!! We arrived at the hotel and had dinner.
rainbow at Athabasca Falls
Anika did it again and took the only good picture of the elk we saw
Athabasca Falls
Anika's Notes
We saw the Athabasca Glacier and got to walk on it and it wasn't Actually slippery at all!.
view from the Columbia Ice Fields Center: at right is the flat Athabasca Glacier we went out on
view from the Columbia Ice Fields Center
Anika next to one of the old snow trucks they used to use
Anika next to a tire of the current glacier truck
Martha and Anika on the glacier
Anika and Martha bask in the sun
glacial moraine
flag of Canada
Anika's Notes
We went to see lake Peyto and it was a glacier lake! SUPER BLUE!
Anika above Peyto Lake
Anika's Notes
Finally we saw Bow Lake that was cool and fun to jump around on the rocks too!!
Anika at Bow Lake
Anika at the lodge built by the guide and trapper Jimmy Simpson
Anika with friends _____ and Marilyn at Bow Lake
Anika's Notes
We arrived at the hotel and had dinner.
Anika and Arthur in our room at the Fairmont
Anika and Martha in our room at the Fairmont
looking out the window of the bar
one of the dining tables