July 23, 2016, Saturday — Lake Louise to Banff

Anika's Notes

Walked around Lake Louise in front of the hotel. I almost lost a ticket that would allow me to retrieve my checked in bags! Saw the spiral tunnels and got to see a train go through them! It was like one train in 3 places at the same time!!.

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In the early morning Anika and Arthur took a walk around the lake, while Martha only walked part-way and then sat and relaxed on the hotel grounds.
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Martha at Lake Louise

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morning light playing tricks

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Anika at the lake

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Arthur at the lake

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Anika at the lake

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Anika on a rock in Lake Louise

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mountains above Lake Louise

Martha and Arthur took pictures of the Fairmont interiors
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Arthur at the lake

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Anika at the lake

July 23, 2016, Saturday — Emerald Lake

Anika's Notes

Saw emerald lake that was not made of real emeralds…. We also saw a bride and groom out on a canoe ride through the lake!. So Romantic!.

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Today our driver is Mitch. He drove us to Yoho National Park and Kicking Horse Pass. We stopped to look at the spiral tunnels built so the railroad could more easily go up the steep grade. We then went along the Kicking Horse River past the small town of Deal(?Field?) where residents have 3 months of no direct sunlight and on to Emerald Lake. There was an Asian-looking wedding couple paddling around the lake in their wedding finery, which was a brilliant contrast to the Emerald Lake and their red canoe.
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July 23, 2016, Saturday — Natural Bridge

Anika's Notes

We saw the YoHo National Park and their natural bridge across the river! I (of course) didn't climb it because it was VERY unstable!

After that we drove to the Natural Bridge hewn out of the rock by the thundering river. A couple of people looked like they were going to cross over the bridge. In my younger days I would have, too. Natan would’ve been over it in an instant, with Aron not far behind. Anika and Marilyn thought about crossing it, but then thought better.
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the Natural Bridge

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Anika at the Natural Bridge

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Marilyn and Anika at the Natural Bridge

When we left the Natural Bridge we backtracked through Lake Louise to Banff, where we took photos of the Sawbuck Range.

On the way we saw several wooded overpasses on the highway. They were built, along with many tunnels under the highway, to give animals safe routes to travel. What a great idea!
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this may be Mt. Rundle in the Sawtooth range

We had dinner with Anika’s friend from the train, Marilyn Abughusson and then we all played a riotous game of Oh Hell at the hotel. We were also giggling about playing a practical joke on Nils and Linda. One idea was to call them, assure them everything was OK, not to worry, but what is the number of their medical insurance. Even better, Marilyn was a nurse practitioner in the Air Force for 24 years. She could call, pretending to be calling from Banff Memorial Hospital, and ask for the insurance name and policy number. Even better, she suggested she could call, ask if she was talking to the mother or father of Anika Luehrmann, and ask if Anika has any allergic reactions to penicillin. When asked why, she’d say that the tattoo developed cellulitis.
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That night Anika danced a jig with a bolster balanced on top of her head