July 26, 2016, Tuesday — Mt. Hood

We got lost trying to get to Mount Hood. We could see it above us all the time, but couldn't find a route to take us up there. Finally, we succeeded. The hotel at Mount Hood, built as a WPA project in the 1930s, was as gorgeous as ever, as were the paintings and craftsmanlike details inside.
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we finally arrive in our Anika-decorated car

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ironworkers mural

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Arthur in the writer's nook

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the central fireplace chimney and beams holding up the hexagonal roof

July 26, 2016, Tuesday — Crater Lake

Anika's Notes

We drove to crater lake and took pictures of the volcanoes and other things like the GIANT LAKE. I got to play in snow for a little bit but then had to go drive to our next stop (hotel).

We drove to Crater Lake, but we were too late to do much there. Crater Lake is an incredible deep blue.
It is said to be the cleanest lake water in the US.

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Anika at Crater Lake

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Anika had some fun throwing snowballs at Grandma Martha and took some beautiful panoramic photos of the lake