July 27, 2016, Wednesday — Home and Becka Perlo

Anika's Notes

We started to drive home and we saw A LOT of COWS! (Boats).

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view of Mt. Shasta from Granada, CA

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a farmer tills his field in Anderson, CA
are we looking at a new dust bowl forming?

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grass fire and oak tree burn in Williams, CA

We finished our drive to the Bay Area, and met up with Becka Perlo and her son, Noah, for lunch at the Berkeley Marina.
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Arthur, Martha, Anika, Noah, and Becka at the Berkeley Marina

Anika's Notes

I met Becky and Noah and we all had dinner at a place right by the ocean! I took great pictures!

We then drove up to our house on Grizzly Peak and viewed the scenery from the top of Grizzly Peak.
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goats are used to mow the grasses in the hills

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Becky, Noah, and Anika