July 12, 2016, Tuesday — Evergreen Aviation Center

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We had a big long drive up north to the Falicovs in Seattle, WA. We took a long detour to see the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum where the Howard Hughes Spruce Goose is housed. Anika had a great time on 2 flight simulators, the first thing she’s shown any interest in since she came from Austin.

We had a bite to eat for lunch there, but the detour off our trip made it so we hit heavy traffic in Tacoma and Seattle, and got in late. We saw Betty and beautiful cat Tasha at home, and went (in Betty’s new Tesla!) to a pizza place where we met up with Alexis. We had some great pizzas. On the way home Betty showed us the Tesla’s powerful acceleration and its self-driving features. Wow! It even takes curves without any help!
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Anika at the flight simulator

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some of the Spruce Goose interior

Anika's Notes

Woke up and had waffles at the cafe next to our hotel. Started driving toward Seattle . Stopped at Spruce goose (a museum about a giant airplane (biggest in the world) and the kids zone had two really cool simulators with one a remote control airplane and the other as a simulator for a pilot. . We started to drive toward the house that we are staying in, in Seattle Address 8170 W Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 . We arrived at the fancy house and then decided to go to a pizza place for dinner. On our way to the pizza place we got to ride in a Tesla! We ate pizza and ice cream at the place. after eating we all went to bed and the owner of the house that we were staying in had a cat named Tasha and she was SOOO SOFT.