Anika at the flight simulator
some of the Spruce Goose interior
Anika's Notes
Woke up and had waffles at the cafe next to our hotel. Started driving toward Seattle . Stopped at Spruce goose (a museum about a giant airplane (biggest in the world) and the kids zone had two really cool simulators with one a remote control airplane and the other as a simulator for a pilot. . We started to drive toward the house that we are staying in, in Seattle Address 8170 W Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 . We arrived at the fancy house and then decided to go to a pizza place for dinner. On our way to the pizza place we got to ride in a Tesla! We ate pizza and ice cream at the place. after eating we all went to bed and the owner of the house that we were staying in had a cat named Tasha and she was SOOO SOFT.