July 14, 2016, Thursday — Ferry to Bainbridge Island and Ferry to Victoria

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Betty, Anika, and Arthur
leaving the Falicovs

Anika's Notes

We had breakfast and Einstein Bros Bagels. Sadly Betty couldn't eat with us because of a meeting but she did drive there with us and I got to sit in the front! In her TESLA!!

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panorama of Seattle, including the Space Needle on the right

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octopus sculpture

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Anika hugs the cormorant sculpture

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Anika climbs the lookout tower

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Anika atop the lookout tower

ferry elevator for loading and loading the cars

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while waiting for the ferry to Victoria, we got a glimpse of a dated slice of a redwood that was born in 1349

Anika's Notes

Started driving to a ferry that would take us to a second ferry that would take us to Victoria in British Columbia in Canada but the second ferry was full so we had to wait until 9:30 pm to get on. Instead we had a nice long dinner at a seafood restaurant (I forgot the name). Went to bed.

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saying goodbye to Bainbridge Island

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