Anika's Notes
Left for breakfast at Denny's and the ferry. Stopped at a cool town with lots of murals that we took pictures of. Got to the ferry docks but missed the ferry and had to take the 3:10 one. After the long ferry ride we arrived in Vancouver and headed to a nice hotel called the Pinnacle Hotel. Had dinner at the hotel.
Chinese Bull Gang by Ernest Marza (1984) Twenty-three men of the Chinese “Bull Gang” struggle to move a huge timber through the lumber yard to a waiting sailing vessel.
World In Motion by Alan Wylie (1986) Montage depicting historic buildings and street scenes from 1883 to 1939
Thirty-Three Meter Collage by Frank Lewis, Nancy Lagana, and Paul Marcano (1982) Stevedores at the Chemainus Wharf, and a boom man sorting logs.
Engine #21 rolls off another load of logs into the Chemainus log dump.
Chemainus Outdoor Gathering by Lurene Haines (2014) The two-segment mural begins on the south side of the Chemainus Seniors’ Center
and culminates with the main scene on the north wall of the centre
— set in the late 1800s — of an outdoor Chemainus town gathering with Mount Brenton in the background.
Chemainus Harbor 1910 by Colin Williams (1987) Panoramic view of Chemainus in 1910, capturing the colorful memories of the old logging town.
Native Heritage by Paul Ygartua (1983)
Based on three First Nations figures from
the past and present in this area.
Emily Carr’s Beloved Trees by Steffen Jünemann (2009) Carr’s paintings, from left to right: Sobreness Sunlit, Mountain Forest, Logger’s Culls, Happiness, and The Red Cedar. Jünemann ingeniously fools the onooker’s eye through his Trompe L’ouil art, showing stairs leading into an imaginary gallery displaying Emily Carr's framed paintings.
Anika and Arthur at the ferry terminal
leaving Victoria