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looking down on the plains of Thessaly, Greece:
We went across the plain of Thessaly on our way back to Lamia.
We passed Trikala, where Aesclibias was said to have started the practice of medicine. He started a chain of temples called Aesclibias after him, which were devoted to prayer and care of the sick. Hippocrates was one of the priests of one of the Aesclibias, and he was a disciple of Aesclibias, himself. Hippocrates brought scientific attitude to medicine. It had long been thought that epilepsy came from the Gods. Hippocrates wrote a long treatise saying that the cause is not the Gods, but should be looked for in the nervous system.
The plains of Thessaly have a lot of animal husbandry. Sheep and goats are tended by semi-nomads, who are registered in a village, but follow the flocks according to the weather.