In Santa Margherita Port waiting for our boat to Portofino April 20, 2015
Vivian Kogan, Bernie Benn, and Nemour de Laneville wait at the port
Some of our group wait at the Santa Margherita port
view of Santa Margherita from the port
the old 16th century Castello in Santa Margherita
Vivian Kogan at the statue of Saint Margaret blessing the harbor
sitting at the Santa Margherita port
beautiful refractions of light at the port
Santa Margherita Ligure from the ocean
Portofino April 20, 2015
the Portofino port
the Portofino port
Oratorio della Fraternidad di Notra Señora Assunta altar
the Portofino port
the Portofino port
features of the church
Portofino apartments decorated by laundry and by wisteria blooms
lovely wisteria in bloom everywhere
jellyfish at the port
fish at the port
at the Portofino port a young lad was playing with the fish
sailing back to Santa Margherita
Santa Margherita Senior Center April 20, 2015
many of the ladies did fine tatting work
entrance to the senior center
lovely orange trees in town
something this size might take many months to make
the ladies would work on stuffed pads
their hands would move lightning fast selecting the proper threads and making knots
another church in Sta. Margherita
another trompe l'oeil facade
at the Da Pezzi Restaurant: special Ligurian homemade pasta with fresh pesto in the colors of the Italian flag
Lincoln Ramírez, Bernie Benn, and Vivian Kogan at the Da Pezzi restaurant
ornate door