Innsbruck, Austria April 25, 2015

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driving from Bolzano, Italy to Innsbruck, Austria

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cherry tree

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Mary of the Four Columns Church

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painted facade in Innsbruck, Austria

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Duomo di Giacomo (St. James Cathedral)

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Duomo di Giacomo (St. James Cathedral)

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Duomo di Giacomo pulpit

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Frescos by Cosmas Damian Asam

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2 of the stations of the cross

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tomb of Archduke Maximillian III

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wooden statue to St. Florian, who protects the people from fires. Here he is pouring water on a burning building

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The Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) is a landmark structure located in the Old Town (Altstadt) section of Innsbruck, Austria. It is considered the city's most famous symbol. Completed in 1500, the roof was decorated with 2,738 fire-gilded copper tiles for Emperor Maximilian I to mark his wedding to Bianca Maria Sforza. The Emperor and his wife used the balcony to observe festivals, tournaments, and other events that took place in the square below
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modern art chair of leaves pasted on wood

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street beggar

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silver street mime who would blow a kiss to anyone who put a coin in her box

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interior courtyard with wooden statue to St. Florian

This was a school set up by Empress Katherine who wanted to bring universal literacy to Austria. The courtyards bring in light to the otherwise dark houses

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Lincoln in Innsbruck

We had lunch accompanied by a Tyrollean accordionist

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Swarovski Crystal Shop: Cascade detail

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leaving Innsbruck

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