Siena April 18, 2015
view of Siena from the Church of San Domenico
portion of Siena’s old town wall
driving from Florence to Siena
our local guide, Maria
the City Hall's tower
many houses are built on top of each other, so there are lots of interesting narrow walkways and alleys
Siena is dedicated to the Madonna, and there are Madonnas everwhere
we are in the goose section of town. There are 14 sections, each very proud of its heritage. Our guide, Maria, comes from the Selva, or Forest, section.
Selva (Forest) community church
The Palio di Siena
Palios won by the Selva community (banners that are given to the winning section of town of the annual Palio horse race)
the crypt under the Selva church where the Palios and costumes of the community are kept
costumes won by the Selva community in the annual Palio horse race
the Duomo (basilica)
Selva community garden looking toward town
rhinos are the emblem of the Selva (Forest) community
detail between doorway arches of the Duomo
detail between doorway arches of the Duomo
the Duomo (basilica)
detail above the right doorway
detail above the left doorway
Coronation of the Virgin above the center doorway
center doorway
Duomo pulpit
Duomo dome
nave and dome
Duomo library ceiling by Piccolomini
the She-Wolf of Siena in the floor tiling
Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni
Duomo library ceiling by Piccolomini
floor tiling
Duomo Interior
Duomo High Altar
Duomo Library frescos panels 5 and 6
Arthur in the library of the Duomo
Duomo Library frescos panels 5 and 6
Hermes Mercurio Trismegistus in the floor tiling
Stained-glass window
pulpit detail
Piazza del Campo where the Palio is run
Stained-glass window depicting the Last Supper
The Torre Maggia
Siena’s She-Wolf suckling Romulus and Remus
statue at the Fonte Gaia
Fonte Gaia (Fountain of the World) in the Piazza del Campo
Piazza del Campo where the Palio is run
statues at the Fonte Gaia
Torre del Mangia
pigeon drinking from the mouth of the She-Wolf at the Fonte Gaia
pigeons on the She-Wolf at the Fonte Gaia
on the road from Siena back to Florence
Lincoln Ramírez, Bernie Benn, and Arthur Luehrmann
We visited the American Cemetery outside of Florence dedicated to
those who fought and gave their lives in World War II
Florence American Cemetery
Florence American Cemetery, map with locations and dates of each battalion
Florence American Cemetery
back in Florence at the River Tiber