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Museum of Jurassic Technology, LA

Museum of Jurassic Technology, LA

After the LACMA, we tried to go to the ___, but it wasn’t going to be open. We called the Disney Concert Hall and made appointments for tomorrow morning for a tour. We wanted to go to a place near Watts for the Farmer John factory which has a big mural of pigs which Leonard wanted to see, but it was too far to get to before they’d close, so we drove to a local Farmers Market, but that was a) pretty skimpy, b)it was raining like crazy, so we went to Martha’s choice: The Museum of Jurassic Technology, which had been recommended by Ants ___. Unfortunately, they are closed M-W, so that was a wash-out, too. So, home to the motel. Out to dinner. Once again we tried the Armenian-Russian restaurant. This time we were rebuffed by yet another barely-English-speaking tough guy. We are beginning to think that this is not a restaurant at all but a front for the Russian mafia. So we went about 2 miles up Vermont Blvd. To the Yong Su San Korean Restaurant, where we were seated in a little private room with a buzzer to call our waitresses, and treated to a sumptuous banquet of dozens of fabulous dishes that I could not begin to describe.