Portuguese flag
statue to El Cid in Seville
Pavilion of Seville for the 1929 World's Fair
wall covered with bougainvillea
going over the Odiel River
driving from Seville, Spain to the Portuguese border
crossing over to Portugal
driving from the Portuguese border to Almodovar, Portugal
cork trees driving from Almodovar to Ourique, Portugal
our exit to Ourique
very out of focus stork’s nest — these were all over the place, but I never could get a good photo
notice for the upcoming pork festival
pork is king
driving to Ourique
pile of cut cork bark
arriving in Ourique, Portugal
driving from Ourique, Portugal to the nearby horse breeding farm
driving from Ourique, Portugal to the nearby horse breeding farm
Maria Joseph, the matriarch of the horse breeding farm
foyer of Doña Maria Joseph's home
living room
dining room
birds in Doña Maria Joseph's aviary
Doña Maria Joseph and helper show off embroidered goods for sale made by neighborhood women
Lusitanian horses
one of Doña Maria Joseph's sons rides one of their Lusitania horses
we exclaim over a thick chunk of cork bark
Doña Maria Joseph offers us tea, coffee, and cookies
Juan-José Perez and Doña Maria Joseph discuss the history of the ranch
The cork tree trunks are marked with the last digit of the year in which they were harvested. That part of the tree's bark can be re-harvested eight years later.
The upper trunk of this tree was harvested in 2013, and can't be re-harvested until 2021. The lower part was harvested in 2008, and is due for re-harvest now.
statue of Christ the King as you come in to Lisbon, Portugal
the Águas Livres aqueduct over the Alcantara valley, completed in 1744
Praca Marques do Pombal - he is looking toward the area of Lisbon that he reconstructed following the disastrous 9-9.5 earthquake and tsunami of 1755
Restauradores statue — commemorating those who reconstructed the city following the disastrous 9-9.5 earthquake and tsunami of 1755
streetcar and Statue of King John I
Statue of King John I
ceramic tiling on homes
Castelo de São Jorge (Castle of Saint George) above our hotel
views from our hotel window
view from our hotel window of Martim Moniz square
more views from our hotel
Castelo de São Jorge (Castle of Saint George) above our hotel
hats, purses, fans, aprons, ties — all made with cork!
Rua Augusta Arch
the Portuguese flag
Ingrid Yule in front of a lovely doorway
Castle at our hotel, Hotel Mundial, made with sugar, egg whites, flour, and cream of tartar. One of the two hotel restaurants was ABYSMAL, but the other was fine.