5'2" 165 lbs
hair: brown and gray
eyes: brown
tel: 510-548-7239
cel: 610-945-5937 MarthaLuehrmann@comcast.net http://www.MarthaL.com/Act/
hair: brown and gray
eyes: brown
tel: 510-548-7239
cel: 610-945-5937 MarthaLuehrmann@comcast.net http://www.MarthaL.com/Act/

Martha Ramírez Luehrmann
acting chronology
- Marguerite Paulus in Roland David Valayre's BooKKeepers for Generation Theatre
- Victoria Kubs in Vasclav Havel's The Memo directed by Michael Cohen for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- Barnardo in Lee Blessing's Fortinbras directed by Michael Cohen for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- Doris in Rachel Bublitz's Terrible People directed by Lisa Drostova for the Shelton Theatre, San Francisco
- Aunt Fab in Lou Ellsworth-Yow's Winners and Closers directed by Flynn Crosby for Marin Day School of Performing Arts, Marin
- Sheila in Michael Frayn's Benefactors directed by Matthew Surrence for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- Henny in John Guare's Bosoms and Neglect directed by Linda Ellinwood for Masquers Playhouse
- ensemble in William Shakespeare's Henry VI Part 3 directed by Alecks Rundell for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- directed James Keller's Men Only of Poor Players
- Mrs. Teasdale / ensemble in James Keller's Remember The Ladies directed by James Keller for Poor Players
- Anfisa (understudy) in Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters directed by Les Waters for Berkeley Rep
- Martha in James Keller's Good Housekeeping directed by James Keller for Poor Players
- Marguerite Paulus in Roland David Valayre's BooKKeepers directed by Roland David Valayre for Generation Theatre
- Harriet in James Keller's Leave of Absence directed by James Keller for Poor Players
- Georgina Cabot in James Keller's Orchid on Dolores Street directed by James Keller for Poor Players
- Sarah Good in Arthur Miller's Crucible directed by Hallie Frazier
- Gertrude / Flora's cook in Thornton Wilder's Matchmaker directed by Matthew Travisano for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- 5 leads in Andrea Weber and Jeannette DesBoine's Mother/Land directed by Andrea Weber for Contra Costa College
- Georgia in Mary Knoll's Memoir of a Bar Room Floozy directed by Joan Grinde for Broadway West
- Abby Brewster in Joseph Kesselring's Arsenic and Old Lace directed by Betsy Bell Ringer for Masquers' Playhouse
- Rosa in Karla Janeth Gallardo's Miracle directed by Jon Wai-Keung Lowe for San Francisco Young Playwrights Festival
- 5 leads in Andrea Weber and Jeannette DesBoine's Mother/Land: Herstory directed by Andrea Weber for Contra Costa College
- small part in Alex Bernstein's Teachings of the Disgusting and Awful (film) for Black Summers Production, LLC
- George W. Bush in Playfest for Women's Will
- Julia Gibbs in Thornton Wilder's Our Town directed by Kate Christ & Mary Galde for Broadway West
- Abuelita in Michel Black's Cassandra's Echo (film) for Black Summers Production, LLC
- Lettie Blacklock in Agatha Christie and Leslie Darbon's A Murder Is Announced directed by Maggie Gudmundsson for Actors Ensemble of Berkeley
- TV ad for Long's Drug Stores
- Lady Bracknell in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest directed by Sean Lim for the Asian American Theater Company
- Gertrude in Lorees Yerby's Save Me A Place At Forest Lawn directed by Martha Luehrmann for Kendall Center
- Suzie in Theresa Rebeck's and Alexandra Gersten-Vassilaros' Omnium Gatherum directed by Frank Gado for Dartmouth College
- classes at Berkeley Repertory School of Theatre with Amy Potozkin and Hector Correa
- acting class at Berkeley Repertory School of Theatre with Bob Ernst
- Mrs. Montgomery in The Heiress directed by Herbert Kennedy for Chabot College
- MBA from The Amos Tuck School, Dartmouth College
- Female leads in Hecuba to Him: A Shakespearean Collage directed by Eric Forsythe for Dartmouth Players
- Mother in Lyle Kessler's The Watering Place
- directed Save Me A Place At Forest Lawn by Lorees Yerby at the Norwich Arts Association
- directed Kate Rewa and Jim Atkinson in The Attic by Nicholas Biel
- directed Nora Jacobsen and Tim Rieser in Here We Are by Dorothy Parker
- The Spinster in Tennessee Williams' Lord Byron's Love Letter at the Norwich Arts Association directed by Kate Rewa
- Laura in Strindberg's The Father directed by Rod Alexander
- Mother in Lyle Kessler's The Watering Place for the Dartmouth Players directed by Barry Grove
- both acting and directing in Thy Name is Woman, an evening of scenes from various plays, the abortion scene in the Diary of Anais Nin, Solange's mad scene from Genet's The Maids, Countess Aurelia from The Madwoman of Chaillot, at the Norwich Arts Association
- Martha in Erogenous Jones, Ph.D. directed by Michael Litle
- Claire in Genet's The Maids for Contant Productions, Inc.performed under the auspices of The Jamaica National Theatre Trust and the St. Thomas Theater Association, directed by Herbert Lutz
- Hostess of Pooh Corner, weekly hour-long children's radio show on WDCR
- Weekly news commentary on WDCR
- Mrs. Stigman in a Green Mountain Theater Guild production of Peter Maeck's A Little Rain directed by Daniel Chodos
- produced Arthur Kopit's Indians for Dartmouth Players
- Flora in Pinter's A Slight Ache for Dartmouth Players directed by William Partlan
- Dizzy Blonde in TV ad for Jordan Marsh of Boston
- Thyatira in Robert Frost's Masque of Reason for the Dartmouth Players directed by Peter Phillips
- Mrs. Stigman in premiere of Peter Maeck's A Little Rain directed by William Partlan
- Director and actress of theatrical production for the 1971 Dryfoos Conference
- Flora in Tennessee Williams' 27 Wagon Loads of Cotton
- Virgo and 3 small roles in e.e. cummings' him produced for N.E.T. (National Educational TV) and shown twice over the Boston network television during the following year
- Martha in Irwin Shaw's Bury the Dead directed by Eric Forsythe
- Chorus in Aleksandrovich Blok's The Puppet Show for Dartmouth Players directed by Mark Bradley
- The Singer in Nikolai Nikilayevich Yevreinov's The Theatre of the Soul for Dartmouth Players directed by Mark Bradley
- Mrs. Mercy in Marcus' Killing of Sister George
- Imogen in Shakespeare's Cymbeline for Dartmouth Players directed by Peter Saccio
- Armande in Jean Giraudoux' The Enchanted for the Dartmouth Players directed by Nanalee Raphael
- Queen of the Fairies in Alissa Bixson's Eliza and the Seven Swans for Dartmouth Players directed by Nanalee Raphael
- She in The Loveliest Afternoon of the Year
- Rosita/Guitar/Poetry Reader/Puppet in An Evening With Garcia Lorca directed by Arthur Ferguson
- Mrs. Partlett in Gilbert & Sullivan's The Sorcerer for the Dartmouth Players directed by Henry Williams
- Penelope in A.R. Gurney Jr.'s The Comeback for the Dartmouth Players directed by Arthur Fergenson
- Sonya in Chekhov's Uncle Vanya for Dartmouth Players directed by Steve Coy
- Ensemble in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Equity summer repertory company
- Martha in Eric Forsythe's The Cliff for Dartmouth Players directed by Nathaniel Fuller
- Moira in Robert Reich's When the Moon Shines Over the Garbage Pits of Peoria, Illinois for the Dartmouth Players
- First Witch in Barbara Garson's MacBird directed by John Pendleton
- Miss Gilchrist in Brendan Behan's The Hostage directed by John Pendleton
- Sarah in Robert Reich's I Met Her Only Yesterday In The 84th Street Sewer for the Dartmouth Players directed by William Yaggy
- Siu in Max Frisch's Chinese Wall for the Dartmouth Players directed by James Clancy
- Lady in Mary Rodgers' Once Upon a Mattress for the Dartmouth Players directed by Bradford Stein
- BS in physics with honors from Illinois Institute of Technology
- Old Woman in play at the Georgetown Theater Club directed by John Wentworth
- theatre training at the Washington Theatre Club with Hazel and John Wentworth
- child panelist on weekly children's science TV show, Washington, DC