Erik's trip to Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Baltimore June and July, 2014

June 29 Sunday Fishing with Grandpa John
Day 12
Grandpa John took Erik fishing at Crockett Park, Germantown Lake,, in Midland, Virginia. The two fishermen caught lots of fish, and Grandpa John said that Erik was a natural fisherman. John has taken many kids out fishing and has never seen any that caught on so fast and were so adept.
Day 12
Grandpa John took Erik fishing at Crockett Park, Germantown Lake,, in Midland, Virginia. The two fishermen caught lots of fish, and Grandpa John said that Erik was a natural fisherman. John has taken many kids out fishing and has never seen any that caught on so fast and were so adept.
the two fishermen set out
with their gear

wise Arthur and Martha
stayed on shore

the hillside was full of crown vetch

the two fishermen return
from their boat and start
to fish from the shore

Erik caught about 13 fish. He gave a local family about 5 of them and threw the rest of them back in.

A tired Grandma Martha and Erik get a ride back to the car