Erik's trip to Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Baltimore June and July, 2014
Day 3
We took off from Belmont, MA early this morning and drove south to Plymouth, MA were the early Pilgrims on the Mayflower landed on the new continent. The Plimoth Plantation is preserved as it was during the 17th century, complete with a Native American village and a colonial Pilgrims village. The Wampanoag Indian village has representatives from the current Wampanoag tribe, dressed as they would have been in the 17th century, and the Pilgrims Village is similarly staffed with people of European descent dressed as they would have been during that era.

We visited the Plimoth Plantation

Wampanoag Indian mother and child. Her baby is in a traditional bundling board covered with furs

Erik with a cardboard cutout of a Wampanoag indian brave

inside of a Wampanoag bark-covered home

some of the homes are covered with grasses

grass matting covers the walls, and furs are spread on the seating and sleeping areas

Arthur and Erik outside a bark covered home under construction

Erik, Martha, and Arthur at the start of the colonial town

Erik and Martha at the entrance to the colonists' area of Plimoth Plantation

living room with a baby cradle, chest, and an armored breastplate

Arthur relaxes at the table

cooking area in the main room

when not in use chairs were sometimes suspended on the wall to save space

finished homes with wood siding

colonist's house under construction with a vegetable and herb garden

making peas and biscuits for the noontime main meal of the day

Arthur and Erik once again have to wait for poky Grandma

Erik poses with one of the musket-carrying colonists
After leaving the main plantation, we went to the dock of the town of Plymouth to see their replica of the Mayflower

costumed crewman telling us sea yarns

map of the families that were on the Mayflower and their origination points. We believe that Erik is related through his paternal grandmother to the Hopkins families from Hampshire and London, and is related through his maternal grandmother to Elizabeth Tilley from Bedfordshire.

Erik manages to squeeze himself into any nook or cranny

Erik in another cranny

This tiny platform area was meant for an entire family to live in — a family that might consist of 6 people!

after leaving the Mayflower II, we went along the dockside to Plymouth Rock

That night we went to a really interesting Cuban restaurant. Erik made do with rice and goldfish

It was very nondescript and small, and most historians think that a ship would never have tried to land near there anyway

Deirdre’s apartment in Belmont, MA: Martha, Erik, Nick, Gillian, Deirdre, Arthur