Erik's trip to Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Baltimore June and July, 2014

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the Hope Diamond

July 7 Monday — Smithsonian
Day 20

Erik chose to spend our last full day in Washington at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum and Air and Space Museum

Erik and Grandpa Arthur
on the Metro
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Arthur and Erik in front of a natural sheet of copper

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Erik in front of a
huge quartz crystal
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Dom Pedro Beryl Aquamarine found in Brazil

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model of earth's moon showing spaceship landings

Mundrabilla is an iron
meteorite found in 1911
in Australia
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After lunch of fried chicken and a cupcake, we went over to the Air and Space Museum.
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The Hubble Space telescope

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a drone

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We then walked over to the Lincoln Memorial.
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the Lunar Lander

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Erik and Abraham Lincoln

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Martian landscape as mapped by Spirit Rover

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artist rendering of Martian dunes

Erik took the next four pictures inside the Skylab Orbital Workshop.
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Erik emerges from the Skylab Orbital Workshop

From the Korean War Memorial, we walked over to the memorial for Martin Luther King, Jr.
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a full-size model of the Wright brothers bi-plane

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Lindbergh's Spirit of Saint Louis

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SpaceX One

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Lindbergh's Spirit of Saint Louis

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a walk-through cockpit of a modern airliner

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Douglas Dauntless and Douglas Skyhawk

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