Erik's trip to Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Baltimore June and July, 2014

Day 21
In the morning we had a reservation for a tour of the Washington Monument.

Erik shades from the hot sun under an umbrella while waiting for our turn up the monument

looking past the Ellipse and the White House

the elevator doors are decorated with a bas-relief of George Washington

the White House back lawn

looking down the Mall to the Capitol. The tent buildings in the center of the Mall are for an arts and crafts exhibition

looking past the World War II Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial

a drone

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial

information and pictures from the building of the monument

while we were descending in the elevator, our guide turned off the lights so we could see some of the stones donated by states and groups to line the elevator shaft

at right, our guide and elevator operator

two of the buildings of the National Aquarium

the wharf near the National Aquarium

this was a room lit by columns of bubbles

they had a beautiful jellyfish exhibit

including plastic and paper jellyfish on the ceiling of the cafeteria

dragon boats for tourists

submarine USS Torsk

Douglas Dauntless and Douglas Skyhawk